Are you ready to thrive in your POWERLANE?

Our Services

1:1 Coaching

Online or in person, these sessions fuel your PowerLane journey. Starting with a CliftonStrengths34 assessment and individualized report, your unique talents and strengths are brought into focus, offering fresh understanding and perspectives to help you thrive in your PowerLane. Focusing on what you wish to explore and accomplish, we identify next-steps and best practices that leads you to achieve your personal, professional, and leadership goals. 

Group & Team Coaching

Group coaching sessions are valuable tools in your PowerLane journey. Explore your strengths and goals in a group setting that brings new perspectives and inspires fresh action.

Group coaching is typically scheduled in 4-6 weekly online sessions.

Private group sessions are available upon request.

Team coaching sessions are perfect for leaders & organizations who want to maximize their team’s success. Sessions include a Gallup Clifton34 or CliftonTop5 strengths assessment for each team member. Sessions are customized for you to:

  • Cultivate a deeper understanding of team talents

  • Increase empathy, connection, and effectiveness

  • Strengthen leadership capacity and skill

  • Maximize team success

Coaching Retainer

Do you need help evaluating a new opportunity or navigating an ongoing challenge? Do you want to continue your strengths-based journey? These sessions are yours to leverage on a regular basis and on your timeline, whether that’s weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or quarterly. By focusing on what you wish to explore and accomplish, and identifying relevant tools and resources, we create a plan with accountability so you achieve your personal, professional, and leadership goals.


Evaluating a new business strategy? Want your team to take a more innovative or entrepreneurial approach? Put my 25+ years of leadership and strategy practice and study to work for you. I’ve helped public and private organizations accelerate their success by effectively navigating the lane changes, on ramps, and exits in your organization’s PowerLane journey.

Shirlayne is so talented at pulling out the heart of the matter and personalizing her advice, using my experiences and my strengths.

And she is a great reflective listener, always saying back to me what she heard me say. This is so essential in coaching to help align efforts and to help me attain the goals I set for myself.”

— AW, PowerLane client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.